The snowmobile is basically the scooter of the north and it’s the perfect way to travel in the snow. In the mountains of northern Norway a snowmobile (or a «snow scooter» as it’s called locally) is almost as common as a Vespa is in the streets of Rome. It is a motorised vehicle designed for winter travel and recreation on snow. It does not require a road or trail and is often driven on open terrains. Our activities take place on snow tracks tested and established for tourism.
As Important as a Car
From its invention, the snowmobile has been as important as the car in northern Norway and other nordic countries. The Sami embraced it first, for reindeer herding, and others soon saw its use for travel and transportation. The snowmobile can provide freedom of movement for people living in remote areas where roads don’t always provide the needed or requested solutions.
In both Tromsø and Kirkenes there is long tradition of providing snowmobile tours and the guides have years of experience and knowledge to offer a snowmobile adventure worthy of your Norwegian winter holiday.
Read about amazing snowmobile tours in Norway
Complete silence
Although you can both hear and feel the working engine on the snowmobile as you go, driving one in the remote northern areas makes you feel that you are driving in complete silence. On our trips we all travel together in a group, led by one of our experienced guides. All you have to do is follow the taillight of the snowmobile in front of you. The guides make sure we travel safely, but the journey will still not be completely without challenges. Entering the magic kingdom of these moonlit mountains is not necessarily going to be an easy quest.

Rough Tracks and Amazing Rewards
Our tracks are a bit rougher and a bit more challenging than most snowmobile safaris. This way we make sure you get right into the real wilderness. The trails are not necessarily difficult to manoeuvre, it’s more a matter of staying focused and doing what the guide tells you to do. The reward is amazing. You enter mountains that are on the border of wilderness. No houses. No other lights besides the moon and our snowmobile headlights. It’s pure magic. And, understandably, this is an activity most guests want to repeat as soon as possible.
Safety First
Riding a snowmobile can be challenging, but with professional guides, the intimate insight of arctic nature and conditions and new, state-of-the-art Skidoo snowmobile, you will be perfectly safe on our trails. At the same time, you will have FUN!
You can try to drive a snowmobile yourself or choose to be a passenger. Even though the tracks on some of the tours are a bit more challenging compared to driving on flat terrain, the guides take it easy on the way into the mountains and always practice safely first. It’s not a race and everyone will drive slowly, following the trained and experienced guides.